乌鲁木齐镀锌方管价格小幅上涨。近期市场上八钢资源较少,酒钢资源略多,但整体库存不高,方管厂家低价出货意愿不强,且主导方管厂家价格连续上调,新订资源成本大幅提升,镀锌方管卷市场主流方管报价 整体上涨。目前下游需求总体偏弱,市场实际成交有限,方管厂家补库积极性不高。据了解,近期内地市场价格大幅上涨,当前价格均处年内新高,乌鲁木齐市场价格 低于内地市场价格,预计后期仍有一定上涨空间。
方管价格方面:今日镀锌方管卷SGCC 0.5mm*1250*C 八钢、酒钢方管报价为5500元/吨,1.0mm*1250*C 八钢、酒钢方管报价为5200元/吨。
Urumqi galvanized square tube prices rose slightly. In recent years, the resources of Bayi Iron and Steel Co. are less than those of Jiuquan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., but the overall inventory is not high, the willingness of square tube manufacturers to ship at low prices is not strong, and the prices of the leading square tube manufacturers have been continuously increased, the cost of new resources has increased substantially, and the mainstream square tube quotation in the galvanized square tube coil market has increased as a whole. At present, the market demand of downstream manufacturers is not high. It is understood that the prices in the mainland market have risen sharply in recent years, and the current prices are at new highs in the year. The market prices in Urumqi are lower than those in the mainland market. It is expected that there will still be some room for increase in the future.
In terms of square tube price: the quotation of SGCC 0.5mm * 1250 * C eight steel and Jiuquan Steel square tube is 5500 yuan / ton, and that of 1.0mm * 1250 * C eight steel and Jiuquan Steel is 5200 yuan / ton.
成都市场镀锌方管价格或窄幅震荡厂家心态较谨慎方管 今日成都镀锌方管市场价格小幅上涨。本地市场:据了解,今日市场小幅上涨,成交一般;下游需求持续释放,观望情绪加重。另外方管厂家心态较谨慎,高价补库意愿较弱;方管厂家方面挺价意愿明显,今日成 实厂对螺纹组距加价调整:Ф12-14规格在Ф20的基础上加价120元/吨,Ф16、Ф25规格在Ф20的基础上加价50元/吨,… 唐山镀锌方管市场价格高位盘整厂家拉涨意愿强方管 唐山镀锌方管价格高位松动,市场方面,热轧下游产业数据使得消费可期加之高原料成本面的支撑,方管厂家拉涨意愿强,热卷期货主力连续第四日攀升。昨天尾盘唐山市场补涨了30元,下游接受度较差,市场交投 陷入停滞,加之今天螺纹盘中震荡回落,唐山开平板多次高位下调。另外唐山今天迎来降雨天气,午间12时重污染相… 郑州镀锌方管市场价格将稳中调整厂家利润单薄方管 郑州镀锌方管市场价格暂稳,管坯和镀锌方管厂今日价格暂未调整,现江鑫20#热轧管坯出厂价格为3870元,管坯高位出货不畅,厂内维持12万吨接单量,方管厂家利润单薄。市场整体出货情 况较为一般,上一轮价格上涨后下游畏高情绪渐起,方管厂家对个别规格产品优惠出货,然下游需求不温不火,对后市持观望态度,多随行就…