Laiwu Fangguan prices continued to rise. In terms of the market, the current period of high-level fluctuations in the operation of the square tube manufacturers stand up for the obvious willingness to ship, the market price continued to move up. Driven by the strong management of resources, coupled with the local spot stock is not high, Fangguan prices remain high. However, the performance of the downstream order receiving ability is not so good, and the demand side has little voice. The key is the firm factory price. On the macro level, in November, Port Hedland, the largest iron ore export port in Western Australia, exported 34.4445 million tons of iron ore to China, which was the low point since March, with a year-on-year decrease of 6.66% and a month on month decrease of 13.28%. The export of ore is reduced, and the black series is still supported. Overall, the market is expected to be strong in the short term.
In terms of square tube price: 4.75 * 800 yuan / ton of Jiuyang steel, 4400 yuan / ton of Taigang (3.0-4.5) * 800 yuan / ton, 2.0 * 800 yuan / ton of Taigang, 30% higher than the previous trading day; and 4530 yuan / ton of Laiwu Steel's 2.5 * (285-355) specifications.
北京镀锌方管价格或弱势震荡厂家成交进一步好转方管 北京镀锌方管市场价格继续下行。期螺方面:午后震荡运行,尾盘跳水,最低价收盘;现货方面今日大户出价开盘继续下跌,场面依旧混乱;而随着价格持续下探,低价资源成交进一步好转,而近期 南城价格与北城价格基本回到同一水平,南城稍好于北城;原料方面唐山部分普方坯降10元,方管出厂报3580元;3日,北京镀锌方管… 郑州镀锌方管市场价格或稳中偏弱运行厂家心态偏弱方管 今日郑州镀锌方管市场价格小幅下降;整体成交较弱。目前来看,期螺高位震荡运行,镀锌方管价格今天小幅下调,下游客户对目前资源价格处于一个观望态势。方管厂家心态偏弱,观望情绪也高涨,现货下游需求较上周有所回落,高位成交受阻,部分方管厂家暗降和优惠出货,但整体出货较弱。市场心态偏弱,对后续需求和价格… 宁波市场镀锌方管价格涨跌互现厂家低位也有拿货方管 宁波市场镀锌方管价格涨跌互现,市场方面,鞍钢产品不断趋高,本钢货多资源让利,货少微抬。早盘鞍钢1.0镀锌方管资源涨到5520元,本钢1.0的镀锌方管在 5170-5190元,低位也有拿货,但随着期货盘中震荡频繁采购不一。此外,本周本钢、唐钢资源陆续入库,一些规格稍显缓解,大户到几百吨货1.0仍紧 缺。综合考虑,预计…