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Baotou is responsible for the adjustment of market price shocks, and this week Baotou is responsible for market actors. Under the background of macro-economic regulation and control in the macro-environment, the local government has slowly restored the ecological balance in the self-regulation of the market, and the market price-raising mentality was depressed last weekend. The market has obviously recovered this week, opening at the beginning of the week, due to the continuous rise of snails and steel billets, so the prices of peripheral square tube markets such as Baotou have increased significantly, but the desire for purchasing is not strong, high transaction is limited, the market is bearish, and some merchants have not followed up. The market is in a sluggish state. In the mid-week period, the fluctuation of snail heights keeps stable, the billet rises slightly, and the cost has some support. Market temperature rises and turnover turns well, but according to the market part of steel mills, the price of resources and goods is on the high side, and the market price is somewhat disordered. At the end of the week, the market quotation was adjusted slightly, the billet of futures was stable, and the turnover was still acceptable. This week, the stock consumption was obvious. The total stock of Baotou square pipe market was 254,400 tons, which was 3.03% lower than last week and 12.91% higher than last year. This week, Baotou took charge of the market price consolidation downward, the overall shipment improved, after the price increased, narrow consolidation.


Generally speaking, Baotou's market price tends to be stable after rising this week. Affected by the good futures market, purchasing follows closely after watching. At present, the possibility of a substantial weakening of supply is very low. China-US trade continues to be full of unknown. Therefore, it is expected that Baotou's market price will remain stable or narrow consolidation next week.

价格方面,截至5月24日,包头方管批量成交指导价格:包钢 Φ8-10mm高线为4240元,与上周持平,包钢Φ18-25mm三级螺纹钢为4150元,比上周同期涨30元,河钢Φ18-25mm三级螺钢为 4250元,比上周同期涨10元,包钢Φ8-10mm三级盘螺为4240元,比上周同期涨60元。

Price, as of May 24, Baotou square pipe volume trading guidance price: Baotou Steel 8-10mm high line is 4240 yuan, the same as last week, Baotou Steel 18-25mm threaded steel is 4150 yuan, 30 yuan higher than the same period last week, Hegang 18-25mm threaded steel is 4250 yuan, 10 yuan higher than the same period last week, Baotou Steel 8-10mm threaded steel is 4240 yuan, 60 yuan higher than the same period last week. 

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