The market price of galvanized square tubes in Nanjing fell by 30 yuan this week. Demand was cool. This week, the upstream futures market continued to decline, the overall market sentiment is pessimistic. Local steel traders reported that the recent market continued to slump, coupled with the negative impact of futures market, there is no sign of improvement in demand. Fangguan manufacturers are not optimistic about the future market. As for square pipe price, as of August 9, Nanjing galvanized square pipe Lida quoted 5010 for 4 inches, down 30 yuan from the same period last week. 原料方面:唐山普碳150方坯报价3570元,比上周同期下跌50元;现唐山瑞丰产355mm系列带钢出厂价格为3770元,比上周同期下跌80元。
Material: Tangshan Pucarbon 150 billet quoted 3570 yuan, down 50 yuan from the same period last week; Tangshan Ruifeng 355mm series strip steel ex-factory price is 3770 yuan, down 80 yuan from the same period last week.
Pipe factory: Tianjin Lida now produces 4-inch galvanized square pipe 4750 yuan, down 50 yuan from the same period last week.
本周南京整体市场下行,市场成交冷淡,市场观望情绪浓厚。由于期盘的消极影响,加上今年整体市场需求偏弱,预计下周南京镀锌方管市场将持续趋弱运 行。市场情况,受需求冷淡影响,方管厂家纷纷降价出货,后期销售压力较大。心态方面,受需求趋弱影响,贸易商心态多悲观,观望情绪浓厚。库存方面,多以消耗旧 库存为主维持较低水平运行。整体来看,市场需求弱势明显,短期内市场不确定因素仍然存在。预计,近期南京镀锌方管市场将暂稳偏弱运行为主。
Nanjing's overall market fell this week, with cold market turnover and strong market wait-and-see sentiment. Due to the negative impact of the futures market and the weak market demand this year, it is expected that the galvanized square pipe market in Nanjing will continue to weaken next week. Market conditions, affected by the cold demand, square tube manufacturers have reduced prices to ship, later sales pressure is greater. In terms of mentality, traders are pessimistic and have a strong sense of wait-and-see because of the weakening demand. In terms of inventory, the main purpose is to maintain a low level of operation by consuming old inventory. Overall, market demand is weak, and market uncertainty still exists in the short term. It is expected that Nanjing galvanized square pipe market will be temporarily stable and weak in the near future.