In terms of the market, the mainstream price of galvanized square tube in Wuhan is stable. From the understanding of the situation, the black futures market is open this morning, and the attitude of the square tube manufacturers is more cautious and empty. However, the current market inventory pressure is not big, and the price adjustment of the square tube manufacturers is more cautious. The local hot rolling market quotation is mainly stable, and the current mainstream specification price is at 4530-4550 yuan / ton. In terms of transaction, downstream and terminal customers In summary, it is expected that the mainstream price of local galvanized square pipe will be sorted out along with the company in the short term.
In terms of square tube price: at present, the mainstream price of thick coil resources with 5.5 * 1500 or above is 4530-4550 yuan / ton, while the price of low alloy resources is 4680-4700 yuan / ton, which is partially flat compared with the price of the previous day.
武汉镀锌方管价格逢高出货厂家生产成本支撑强方管 武汉镀锌方管价格逢高出货。市场方面,黑色期货表现回调,本地价格部分止涨企稳。到货情况,场内大户反馈,热轧、冷轧资源均有到仓,部分货多规格可议价出。成交方面,方管厂家反馈下游需求良好,成交氛围尚可。鉴于近期原材料价格高企,方管厂家生产成本支撑强,现货资源偏紧,供需错配明显。综合考虑,预计当地市… 武汉镀锌方管价格偏强运行厂家操作上相对谨慎方管 武汉市场镀锌方管价格偏强运行。市场方面,今日市场偏强运行,幅度10-30元。近2月冷系产品出口订单偏好,其中稍有带动热冷产品的需求量,冷热价格同步走高,但热轧涨 幅明显小于冷轧;方管厂家虽加大对内供基料的产量,但整体供应仍少于市场需求,导致冷轧价格短期仍能保持坚挺。不过方管厂家订货成本高企,市场连… 武汉镀锌方管价格或将弱势调整厂家整体出货情况很差方管 今日方管弱势震荡,尾盘收跌48元/吨。现货价格方面,跟随期货市场的运行步伐,现货价格继续下跌。成交方面,近期武汉地区雨水较多,终端需求释放疲软,今日市场上打起了“价格战”,部分方管厂家不报价,市场高价成交受阻,十三家样本方管厂家累计出货9462吨,较上个交易日减少4456吨,整体出货情况很差。市场心态…