The price of Wuxi galvanized square tube is stable and consolidation. In terms of market, the price of mainstream specifications is 4090-4110 yuan / ton. From the understanding of the situation, the trend of futures steel is not stable. Most of the mainstream resources in the market opening this morning maintained yesterday's price. At present, thin coil resources below 3.75 are in short supply. The quotation of square tube manufacturers is firm. In terms of transaction, the downstream wait-and-see mood is strong, and the overall trading atmosphere is general. To sum up, it is expected that the mainstream price or narrow consolidation of local galvanized square tube in the short term.
In terms of square tube price: at present, the mainstream price of thick walled square tube resources with 5.5-11.5 * 1500 in the market is 4090-4110 yuan / ton, and the price of low alloy resource is 4210-4220 yuan / ton, and the mainstream price is stable compared with the previous day.
无锡镀锌方管价格涨后可议厂家的恐高心态依旧方管 无锡镀锌方管市场价格涨后可议。市场方面,早盘期货出现跳水,今日市场涨后可议价。据了解,近几个月华东市场一直呈现高位运行的状态,特别是周边上海,走出了全国最高价,方管厂家的恐高心态依旧,但市场尚可的消费以及降库的表现,让周边方管厂家不得不陷于被动涨价的处境,此外,方管厂家反馈11月份冷轧资源往华… 无锡镀锌方管价格主流上行厂家普遍坚挺观望方管 无锡镀锌方管价格主流上行,市场方面,早盘期螺持红震荡,加之周末市场拉涨情绪明显,故本地方管厂家跟涨操作为主,幅度90-100不等。从市场了解到,交投 氛围整体平平,方管厂家普遍坚挺观望,下游对高位接受有限。当前虽然临近年末即将冬储,不过近期赶工期现象较为明显,市场需求尚可,库存较低资源表现偏紧。考… 无锡镀锌方管价格主流偏强厂家普遍观望心态方管 无锡镀锌方管价格主流偏强,市场方面,早盘期螺持红震荡加之钢坯端再度二次拉涨提振市场信心,方管厂家多试探上调40左右。从商户口中得知,涨后市场高位交投疲软,方管厂家普遍观望心态,终端补库意愿较低。目前由于持续且大幅度的拉涨,市场恐高情绪增加,现货中间商需求小幅释放,下游需求仍然偏弱。考虑成本端坚…