Tangshan Fangguan's price rose 10% steadily. At present, the raw material side still has a strong supporting effect on the market. The possibility of large-scale production reduction of steel enterprises at the demand side is small, and the profit is relatively optimistic. The demand for raw material procurement is still there, and the possibility of deep price drop in the later period is not likely. However, the billet support is still stable, and after the secondary warning of environmental protection control, the policy is released again. However, the terminal demand is difficult to continue to release, and the square tube manufacturers are confused about the future trend. It is expected that in the short term, the market will tend to stabilize in a narrow range.
In terms of price management, as of the time of publication, Jiao Zhengfeng 5% was stable; Cao Ruixing 8-14% was up 10%; gongxiangtai 14% was up 10%.
唐山镀锌方管价格稳中有涨厂家逐步放量方管 唐山镀锌方管价格稳中有涨。市场方面,早盘开市唐山窄带稳后成交顺畅盘中追涨20报4090含税出厂,部分方管厂家出清日产。目前天然气资源紧且成本高企,方管厂家挺价意愿浓。国义 4090涨20,天物顺通检修,首唐宝生4090涨20,宏润暂未出价。现285-355系列瑞丰散户主稳,355系中宽带窄幅上行,现货裸价主流现货 3830-… 唐山方管价格拉涨为主厂家整体成交一般尚可方管 唐山方管价格拉涨为主。原料端区域性限产管控延续,将继续加剧市场供应偏紧的格局,且短期来看,钢企需求处于偏强状态,厂商心态依旧偏乐观。随着钢坯走势不断上扬,成品材现货市场挺价意愿明显,然而随着气温持续下降,户外施工受到影响,下游对于高位资源多按需采购为主。预计短期方管市场仍将高位整理。方管价格… 唐山镀锌方管价格高位偏强厂家拉涨较为谨慎方管 唐山镀锌方管价格小幅续涨, 市场方面,昨日唐山整体成交表现尚可,方管厂家接单火爆,需求得到一定释放,今早开盘市场询单及成交较昨偏软,部分方管厂家拉涨较为谨慎,开平板报价 4410-4420,方管资源报价4390-4410,纵横厂提4360。不过成本端支撑,主导方管厂家拉涨,加之期卷维持高位拉涨走势,方管厂家心态偏强…