








广州镀锌方管市场价格暂稳厂家报价同步跟调广州镀锌方管市场价格小幅下调厂家成交较弱广州镀锌方管市场价格暂稳。市场方面:开市以来,乐从市场贸易企业逐步复工,节后原料大涨,各主流管厂出厂价持续上涨,市场上虽需求还未得到释放,受高成本影响,方管厂家报价同步跟调。广东省工地陆续开工… 广州镀锌方管价格或弱势盘整运行厂家库存逐步增加广州镀锌方管市场价格小幅下调厂家成交较弱广州镀锌方管市场价格维稳运行。期货方面,今日期货偏弱震荡,收4267,跌1.39%,减仓18417手至1173970手。原料方面,唐山钢坯今日报稳,现普碳含税出厂价3860 元。市场成交方面,今日开价广州镀锌方管现货市…

广州镀锌方管市场价格小幅下调。期货方面,螺纹期货2105合约盘面午后震荡运行,尾盘跳水,终报收于3774,跌21,最高3820最低3772,增仓2万余手,2101合约,午后震荡运行,尾盘下降明显,终收报于3866,跌48,最高3917最低3865。原料方面,唐山钢坯今日降10元,现普碳含税出厂价3580元。市场成交方 面,方管厂家反馈市场整体成交-较弱,但工地比市场成交要好,10家样本方管厂家合计出货约11800吨。目前来看,现货价格现货价格混乱下调,但铁矿、焦炭以 及板材相对较为强势,对镀锌方管价格形成一定支撑,后市还需观望北材南下对华南市场的冲击程度。预计明日广州镀锌方管价格或窄幅下行。

The market price of galvanized square pipe in Guangzhou has been reduced slightly. In terms of futures, the futures market of 2105 contract fluctuated in the afternoon and dived in the end. The final closing price was 3774, down 21, the highest was 3820, the lowest was 3772, and the position was increased by more than 20000 hands. The 2101 contract fluctuated in the afternoon, and the final closing was 3866, down 48, the highest was 3917, and the lowest was 3865. In terms of raw materials, Tangshan Steel Billet dropped 10 yuan today, and the ex factory price of carbon including tax is 3580 yuan. In terms of market transaction, the manufacturer of the square tube reported that the overall market transaction was weak, but the transaction on the construction site was better than that on the market. The total shipment of 10 sample square tube manufacturers was about 11800 tons. At present, the spot price is disorderly and downward, but iron ore, coke and plate are relatively strong, which forms a certain support for the price of galvanized square pipe. In the future market, we still need to wait and see the impact of Beima's southward movement on the South China market. It is expected that the price of galvanized square pipe in Guangzhou will decline in a narrow range tomorrow.


In terms of square tube price: the market price of Ф 8-10mm high-speed wire is 4530 yuan, that of Ф 18-25 galvanized square pipe is 4350 yuan, and that of Ф 8-10 mm anti-seismic coil screw is 4510 yuan; the market price of Ф 8-10mm high-speed wire is 4420 yuan, that of Ф 18-25mm galvanized square pipe is 4310 yuan, and that of Ф 8-10mm seismic coil is 4390 yuan.

广州镀锌方管价格或有回调风险厂家成交表现平平方管 广州镀锌方管市场价格延续昨日涨势。期货方面,夜盘继续高歌猛进稳稳站在4100点上方,日盘开盘更是跟随黑色大冲特冲,最高冲至4200点上方,但之后快速凌厉的跳水一度翻绿,午后收盘 4033跌0.2%。原料方面,唐山钢坯今日涨20元,现普碳含税出厂价3680元。市场成交方面,今日广州镀锌方管市场价格开价继续大幅上涨,… 广州镀锌方管市场或将稳中上涨厂家多随行就市方管 广州市场镀锌方管价格主稳运行,成交一般。今日开盘,3日唐山方坯:昌黎(HX)及唐山本地方管厂家普碳方坯稳报3590元/吨,含税出厂。3日唐山瑞丰带钢出 厂:635-610报4150涨50,360-355报4100涨30,含税。广州本地镀锌方管交投氛围欠佳,终端需求低迷,目前环保限产市场面货源略少,方管厂家高位出货不畅,货物流通… 广州镀锌方管市场价格弱势运行厂家备货意愿不强方管 本周广州镀锌方管市场价格弱势运行。价格方面,截至31日,广州韶钢产Φ8-10mm高线为4890元;Φ18-25mm镀锌方管为4760元;Φ8-10mm镀锌方管为4900元。期货方面,本周螺纹钢期价先抑后扬,截至本周四收盘,螺纹钢2105合约报4388元/吨,涨141涨幅3.32%原料方面,钢坯价格先降后升,周内走势呈“凹”字形,周五上涨50元…
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