








上海镀锌方管市场价格上涨运行厂家报价延续涨势天津镀锌方管价格大幅度上涨运行厂家库存资源偏少今日上海镀锌方管市场价格上涨运行,从市场方面来看,随着相关期货价格出现泛红,目前本地市价已攀至5730元/吨以上。据方管厂家反映,今开市方管厂家报价延续涨势,个别高位甚至在5750元/吨以上,不过由于拉… 天津镀锌方管价格大幅度拉涨运行厂家多数观望天津镀锌方管价格大幅度上涨运行厂家库存资源偏少本周天津镀锌方管价格大幅度拉涨运行。周初国营厂家价格上涨350-700元/吨,民营厂家上涨360-670元/吨。通过和方管厂家联系得到的反馈,一方面是受周末唐山钢坯拉涨影响,成本支撑强劲,另一方面是期货开盘涨…


This week, the price of galvanized square tube in Tianjin has risen sharply. At the beginning of the week, the price of state-owned enterprises increased by 50-150 yuan / ton, while that of private enterprises increased by 70-130 yuan / ton. According to the feedback obtained from the contact with the square tube manufacturers, on the one hand, the cost support is strong due to the impact of Tangshan Steel Billet pull up at the weekend; on the other hand, it is driven by the sharp rise of futures opening and the high price of Tangshan, which is boosted by multiple favorable factors, leading to the increase of local market by more than 100%. However, from the transaction point of view, due to the price pull up too fast, and the range is too large, the downstream acceptance is general.


In the middle of the week, hot coil black futures continued to run at a high level, and the market price of galvanized square tube in Tianjin went up again. The price of galvanized square tube manufacturers increased by 20-50 yuan / ton, and that of state-owned manufacturers increased by 60-90 yuan / ton. According to the feedback from the contact with the manufacturer, the spot price of the manufacturer rises again with the futures price, but the high level takes less goods and the market transaction is average. Square tube manufacturers are afraid of the current price, the order quantity is relatively reduced, and the market circulation is reduced.


At the end of the week, the market price continued to rise according to the feedback from the manufacturer. Baosteel's spot price will continue to rise significantly in the later period of 20201, but the spot price of Baosteel will continue to rise significantly in January, and the spot price of Baosteel will continue to rise significantly in January. Overall, it is expected that Tianjin galvanized square tube prices will continue to strengthen next week.


As for the square tube price, as of December 11, the average price of 1.0 mm galvanized square pipe in Tianjin was 5650 yuan (ton price, the same below), 150 yuan higher than the same period last week and 400 yuan higher than the same period last month.

天津镀锌方管价格或将进入窄幅盘整阶段厂家价格持续上涨方管 本周天津镀锌方管市场价格继续攀高,整体成交量有所转弱。周内,成本方管市场价格持续拉涨,加之京津冀区域限产、关停利好消息的刺激,对天津镀锌方管价格的支撑作用有所增强,本地镀锌方管价格随之频繁上调。从市场了解到,随着周内价格的持续上涨,高价资源出货情况开始回落,成交逐渐趋于收紧。另据悉,由于方管… 天津镀锌方管价格保持平稳运行厂家出货有所影响方管 今日天津镀锌方管价格保持平稳运行,民营厂家个别下调20元/吨,国营厂家保持平稳为主,市场成交一般。从市场成交方面来看,近期热卷期货价格震荡运行为主,市场方管厂家出货有所影响。和方管厂家联系得到的反馈,目前市场各方管厂家操作上偏观望出货居多,对后市行情走势相对比较看好。下游终端对当前高钢价接受度… 天津镀锌方管市场价格稳中上调厂家心态较为坚挺方管 天津镀锌方管市场价格稳中上调,市场方面,今日价格出现补涨,幅度在50元左右,方管厂家心态较为坚挺,现市场国营主流规格报价在5950-6000元,成交方面,今日市场成交表现一 般,下游拿货较为谨慎,据悉由于市场价格变动较大,部分方管厂家有封仓停售的操作,尽管成本较为坚挺,但考虑到目前当地市场库存量较高,故…
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