宁波镀锌方管价格主流下行,市场方面,受周边市场弱调以及本地拉涨幅度过快高位交投寥寥影响,方管厂家操作普遍心态不稳下行调整。通过方管厂家了解到,市场交投氛 围平平,方管厂家心态观望为主,终端拿货表现不佳。当前库存较之前虽有增加,但不是很明显,加之长期以销售在途资源的缘故,短期内可售资源增加不会太明显。考 虑供需两弱态势,故预计短期本地方管价格或窄幅整理。
In terms of the market, affected by the weak adjustment of the surrounding market and the rapid local pull-up rate and the lack of high-level trading, the square tube manufacturers are generally unstable and adjust downward. It is learned from the manufacturer that the market trading atmosphere is flat, the manufacturer's mentality is mainly wait-and-see, and the terminal delivery performance is poor. Although the current inventory has increased, it is not very obvious. In addition, due to the long-term sales of resources in transit, the increase of available resources in the short term will not be obvious. Considering the weak situation of supply and demand, it is expected that the local price will be adjusted in a narrow range in the short term.
In terms of Fangguan prices, Delong 2.5 * 355 quoted 4500 yuan / ton, Jianlong 2.5 * 355 quoted 4510 yuan / ton, the above specifications were 100% lower than the previous trading day.
宁波镀锌方管价格主流下行厂家操作出货为主方管 宁波镀锌方管价格主流下行,市场方面,受周末北方行情弱调以及今晨询单电话寥寥等影响,市场悲观情绪稍显,二次累降幅度过百。从市场了解到,方管厂家操作出货为 主,市场成交整体疲软,下游拿货情绪不佳。当前从库存整体资源来看,北方到货增加仍然偏少,库存依旧处于低位运行状态,方管厂家销售压力不大。考虑观… 宁波镀锌方管价格主流持稳厂家低价出货意愿不高方管 宁波镀锌方管价格主流持稳,市场方面,虽高位交投表现不佳,但市场库存低位暂有支撑,方管厂家低价出货意愿不高。从商户口中得知,市场成交表现疲软,商户心态 观望为主,终端需求释放有限。目前库存已是年内新低,方管厂家可售现货零星点点,依旧以销售在途资源为主。后市随着资源的陆续到货,价格继续上涨空间有… 宁波市场镀锌方管价格涨跌互现厂家低位也有拿货方管 宁波市场镀锌方管价格涨跌互现,市场方面,鞍钢产品不断趋高,本钢货多资源让利,货少微抬。早盘鞍钢1.0镀锌方管资源涨到5520元,本钢1.0的镀锌方管在 5170-5190元,低位也有拿货,但随着期货盘中震荡频繁采购不一。此外,本周本钢、唐钢资源陆续入库,一些规格稍显缓解,大户到几百吨货1.0仍紧 缺。综合考虑,预计…