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方管市场价格明显上涨。6月21日邯郸武安发布大气污染强化应急管控措施紧急通知,由于限产加剧,市场情绪转好,致使上周五钢企接单量暴增,周末唐山钢坯价格累计上涨 100元,由此带动邯郸、唐山等地市场价格小幅上调,方管厂家成交也不错。同时,23日唐山市政府突发限产文件,要求6月24日至7月31日,大部分钢企烧 结、高炉、转炉限产50%以上,少部分钢企限产20%。据初步测算唐山新增限产将每日减少粗钢产量在8万吨上下,全月影响超过200万吨,而这一政策给持 续低迷的现货市场注入了一针强心剂,整体市场信心爆棚,刺激钢市看涨。周一开盘,国内各地方管市场随螺纹钢一样价格普遍拉涨,不过由于板材涨幅小于螺纹钢 和热卷,因此涨幅并不算大。从市场角度来看,目前环保限产趋严加剧,使得方管厂家对后市价格预期加大,而在限产及成本支撑下,或也有回调及上涨可能。故明日来 看,国内方管市场或继续回暖的可能性较大,但综合而言,淡季需求有限,方管价格方面亦仍需警惕。

The market price has risen markedly. On June 21, Wu'an, Handan, issued an emergency notification on strengthening emergency control measures for air pollution. Due to the intensification of production restriction and the improvement of market sentiment, the number of steel enterprises taking orders surged last Friday. The total price of Tangshan billet rose by 100 yuan at the weekend, which led to a slight increase in market prices in Handan, Tangshan and other places, and business transactions were good. At the same time, Tangshan Municipal Government issued an unexpected production limit document on June 24 to July 31, requiring most steel enterprises to limit the production of sintering, blast furnaces and converters by more than 50% and a small number of steel enterprises to limit production by 20%. According to preliminary estimates, Tangshan's new production limit will reduce crude steel production by 80,000 tons per day and affect more than 2 million tons per month. This policy has injected a cardiac agent into the continuing depressed spot market, and the overall market confidence has burst, stimulating the bullish steel market. At the opening of Monday, the local pipe market in China generally increased with the same price of threaded steel, but the increase was not too large because the increase of sheet metal was smaller than that of threaded steel and hot coil. From the market point of view, the current intensification of environmental production restrictions has increased the expectations of future prices, and under the support of production restrictions and costs, there may also be callbacks and increases. Therefore, tomorrow, the domestic market or continue to recover more likely, but in general, demand is limited in the off-season, the price side still needs to be vigilant. 方管价格方面,截至6月24日,国内重点城市16-25mm普板均价保持在3926元(吨价,下同),均价较上个交易日涨39元,较上周同期跌36元,较上月同期跌104元。

As for the square price, as of June 24, the average price of 16-25mm plate in key cities in China remained at 3926 yuan (ton price, the same below), which was 39 yuan higher than the previous trading day, 36 yuan lower than the same period last week and 104 yuan lower than the same period last month.

辛苦整理!转载请注明来自 http://www.qqhanguan.com/show.asp?id=312


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