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方管市场价格稳中有升。近日,由于唐山限产消息的突发,使钢价经历了拉涨阶段,但随着限产消息接连不断的出台,市场逐渐进入涨跌两难的状态。面对七、八月份的高温天气, 空气质量难有保证,因此,环保限产或将持续,且后期部分方管厂家在限产力度加大的影响下,检修行为也会增加。目前,在限产的支撑下,钢价下跌空间有限,反过 来,市场实际需求薄弱,价格上涨又受到阻碍,整体市场处于相对较为稳定的格局。而当前值得关注的除了环保限产之外,就是中美贸易磋商问题。据了解,25日中美代表再次通话,意味着中美磋商有望重启,但不确定性因素仍较大,后期谨慎操作仍有必要。另外,关于全球经济下行压力增大的围困,多国央行释放宽松信号,全球市场情绪不断好转,对国内钢材市场来说亦有一定利好影响。故综合而言,国内方管价短期或较为稳健,明日来看,国内方管市场价格或维持盘整之态。

The market price has risen steadily. Recently, due to the sudden news of Tangshan's production limit, steel prices have experienced a period of rising, but with the continuous introduction of the production limit news, the market has gradually entered a dilemma of rising and falling. Faced with the high temperature weather in July and August, air quality is difficult to guarantee. Therefore, environmental protection production restriction may continue, and under the influence of the increase of production restriction in the latter part of the square tube manufacturers, overhaul behavior will also increase. At present, with the support of production restriction, steel price has limited space to fall. Conversely, the actual demand of the market is weak, price rise is hindered, and the overall market is in a relatively stable pattern. At present, besides environmental protection and production restriction, Sino-US trade consultation is worth paying attention to. It is understood that the re-call of the representatives of China and the United States on the 25th means that the Sino-US consultation is expected to resume, but the uncertainties are still large, and cautious operation in the later period is still necessary. In addition, with regard to the siege of increasing downward pressure in the global economy, the multi-national central banks have released easing signals and the global market sentiment has been improving, which also has a positive impact on the domestic steel market. Therefore, in a word, domestic managed prices are short-term or relatively stable. Tomorrow, domestic managed market prices or maintained a state of consolidation.


As for the square price, as of June 26, the average price of 16-25mm plate in key cities in China remained at 3933 yuan (ton price, the same below). The average price was 2 yuan higher than the previous trading day, 45 yuan higher than the same period last week, and 97 yuan lower than the same period last month. 

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