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本周北京市场镀锌方管价格稳中趋强运行,本周北京市场镀锌方管价格震荡偏强运行,市场成交一般。进入本周尾声,市场成交昨日相比本周前几天有所好转。但本周黑色系市场波动幅度较大,下游对高 价持谨慎态度,本月多数钢厂结算已出台,仍有不少方管厂家倒挂。且下月订货来临,方管厂家也需要回笼资金进行周转,因此方管厂家仍选择出货为主。于近期多家钢厂 收到环保政策影响,目前多有停产限产情况。但方管厂家方面反映,即使价格上涨也无法带动成交量的上升。对于后市,市场商家表示并不容乐观。库存方面:由于月 末钢厂到货加快,本周北京镀锌方管库存小幅增加。加之近期以来北方连续高温,需求在一定程度上也受到影响。综合来看,市场需求仍未放开,市场库存小幅增加,预 计北京市场镀锌方管价格或将震荡运行。

This week, the price of galvanized square tubes in Beijing market is stabilizing and tending to be strong. This week, the price of galvanized square tubes in Beijing market is oscillating strongly, and the market turnover is general. At the end of the week, market turnover improved yesterday compared with the previous days of the week. But this week, the black market fluctuated a lot, and the downstream was cautious about high prices. Most steel mills have settled accounts this month, and there are still many square tube manufacturers hanging upside down. And when the order comes next month, the square tube manufacturer also needs to recycle funds for turnover, so the square tube manufacturer still chooses to ship mainly. In recent years, many steel mills have been affected by environmental protection policies. At present, most of them have stopped production and limited production. However, the party manages the manufacturer side to reflect that even if the price rises, it will not be able to drive up the turnover. For the future market, market businessmen said they were not optimistic. Inventory: Due to the accelerated arrival of steel mills at the end of the month, the inventory of galvanized square tubes in Beijing increased slightly this week. In addition to the recent continuous high temperatures in the north, demand has also been affected to some extent. Generally speaking, the market demand has not been liberalized, and the market inventory has increased slightly. It is expected that the price of galvanized square tubes in Beijing market will oscillate. 方管价格方面:北京镀锌方管鞍钢有花1.0mm*1250*C报4770元/吨,首钢无 花1.0mm*1250*C报4720元/吨,凤鸣有花1.0mm*1000*C报4490元/吨;新宇彩涂0.47mm*1000*C报5070元 /吨。

In terms of square pipe price, Angang galvanized square pipe in Beijing costs 1.0mm*1250*C to 4770 yuan/ton, Shougang 1.0mm*1250*C to 4720 yuan/ton, Fengming 1.0mm*1000*C to 4490 yuan/ton and Xinyu color coating 0.47mm*1000*C to 5070 yuan/ton.

辛苦整理!转载请注明来自 http://www.qqhanguan.com/show.asp?id=412


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