方管价格方面,1.0mm镀锌方管:唐钢5370元(吨价 下同),首钢5490元,天铁5390元,包钢5420元,鞍钢小盒板5800元。
Tianjin galvanized square tube market price mainstream move up today. In terms of the market, the early opening of the market, driven by the rising Tangshan steel market and futures market, local manufacturers of local management also increased the shipment, and the current mainstream specification price is between 5340-5500 yuan / ton. In terms of transaction, affected by the rise and fall of buying, the market shipment improved yesterday. However, due to the low local resources, the transaction volume was restrained to a certain extent. The current low level is OK, and the high level is not smooth. In terms of mentality, at present, the Fangguan manufacturers have a strong willingness to support the price, coupled with the support of high cost and low inventory, so they are optimistic about the future market. Therefore, it is expected that the local market short-term galvanized square tube price high finishing.
In terms of square tube price, 1.0 mm galvanized square tube: Tanggang 5370 yuan (ton price, the same below), Shougang 5490 yuan, Tiantie 5390 yuan, Baotou Steel 5420 yuan, Angang small box plate 5800 yuan.
天津镀锌方管价格主流上移厂家挺价意愿强方管 今日天津镀锌方管市场价格主流上移。市场方面,早盘开市,在唐山钢市与期货走高的带动下,本地方管厂家亦上调出货,现主流规格售价在5340-5500元/吨。成交方面,受买涨不买跌影响,市场出货昨日好转,但由于本地资源量偏低,一定程度上抑制成交放量,今低位尚可,高位不畅。心态方面,目前方管厂家挺价意愿强,加之… 天津镀锌方管价格或将进入窄幅盘整阶段厂家价格持续上涨方管 本周天津镀锌方管市场价格继续攀高,整体成交量有所转弱。周内,成本方管市场价格持续拉涨,加之京津冀区域限产、关停利好消息的刺激,对天津镀锌方管价格的支撑作用有所增强,本地镀锌方管价格随之频繁上调。从市场了解到,随着周内价格的持续上涨,高价资源出货情况开始回落,成交逐渐趋于收紧。另据悉,由于方管… 天津镀锌方管价格大幅上涨厂家成本支撑力度强劲方管 本周天津镀锌方管市场价格大幅上涨,整体成交量急剧下滑。周内,成本方坯、带钢市场价格持续拉涨,加之京津冀区域限产、关停利好消息的刺激,对天津镀锌方管价格的支撑作用有所增强,本地镀锌方管价格随之频繁上调。从市场了解到,近期煤矿事故频发,国内4省一市煤矿安全生产大排查,叠加进口渠道政治性因素增强,…