Today's opening of Tangshan Fangguan prices slightly weakened. Due to the continuous rise of billet 20 yuan, the ex factory price of carbon billet including tax is 3590 yuan, the period steel rebounded, and the market sentiment gradually improved. As the transaction volume of low-cost resources increased, the quotation of some square tube manufacturers increased by 10 yuan. This week, Tangshan steel rolling enterprises had a high production enthusiasm, and the market inventory increased by 21% compared with last week. However, with the attack of large-scale cold air, the demand of northern market gradually declined, and the downstream side management manufacturers were also cautious in their operation, only in the low-cost resources phased replenishment operation. In view of the strong cost side support, it is expected that Tangshan Fangguan price will be stable and stronger tomorrow.
Square tube price: according to Hongtai No.25 I-beam price is 3870 yuan, zhengfengchan No.5 angle steel price is 3850 yuan, electric power production No.25 channel steel price is 3860 yuan.
唐山镀锌方管价格持稳运行厂家调价意愿不高方管 唐山镀锌方管价格持稳运行,市场方面,今晨本地再传环保限产消息,唐山市丰润区环保要求辖区内企业立即执行重污染天气橙色预警管控,受此影响市场观望情绪升温,钢坯持稳报3580,现货底部坚挺支撑,镀锌方管方面资源交投维持低迷不改,方管厂家调价意愿不高,稳价出货为主,个别低位资源有3870,整体氛围平。短期需… 唐山镀锌方管市场价格高位盘整厂家拉涨意愿强方管 唐山镀锌方管价格高位松动,市场方面,热轧下游产业数据使得消费可期加之高原料成本面的支撑,方管厂家拉涨意愿强,热卷期货主力连续第四日攀升。昨天尾盘唐山市场补涨了30元,下游接受度较差,市场交投 陷入停滞,加之今天螺纹盘中震荡回落,唐山开平板多次高位下调。另外唐山今天迎来降雨天气,午间12时重污染相… 唐山镀锌方管价格或维稳运行厂家年前调整价格意愿不大方管 今日唐山地区民用镀锌方管价格基本暂稳。热卷黑色系期货震荡运行,热卷原料价格暂稳运行。据方管厂家反馈,临近春节,目前下游客户基本已经放假,市场成交降至最低。方管厂家年前调整价格意愿不大,多跟随市场行情盘整运行,部分方管厂家仍以落实出货为主。方管厂家方面,鞍钢出台3月份期货价格政策,镀锌板、彩涂…