Wuxi galvanized square tube price mainstream is strong. In the market, the early period of the screw hold red shock, and the billet end of the second pull to boost market confidence, square tube manufacturers more try to increase about 40. According to the business account, after the rise, the market was high and trading was weak, and the management manufacturers generally had a wait-and-see attitude, and the willingness of terminal replenishment was low. At present, due to the continuous and large-scale pull-up, the market fear of heights is increasing, the demand for spot middlemen is slightly released, and the downstream demand is still weak. Considering the strong cost side, it is expected that the price of local management will be strong in the short term.
In terms of Fangguan price, Zhongtian 2.5 * 232 specification was quoted as 4240 yuan / ton; Delong's 2.5 * 255 specification was quoted at 4240 yuan / ton, all of the above specifications were 40% higher than the previous trading day.
无锡镀锌方管市场价格主流持稳厂家放缓提价节奏方管 无锡镀锌方管市场价格主流持稳。坯料稳中前行,成本端依旧高位运转。期螺震荡整理,现货市场操盘情绪相对较差。月初镀锌方管已经有所上扬,且本地镀锌方管一直处于相对较高,需求仍显偏弱,进而导致方管厂家放缓提价节奏。但鉴于成本因素,方管厂家让利幅度有限。预计短期内本地方管价仍将持稳运行。Wuxi galvaniz… 无锡镀锌方管价格主流偏弱厂家心态普遍观望方管 无锡镀锌方管价格主流偏弱,市场方面,早盘期螺持绿震荡,市场信心明显受挫,方管厂家均随行下调为主。从方管厂家口中得知,降后市场整体交投清淡,方管厂家心态普遍观 望,终端补库操作寥寥。当前因为本地主流方管厂家中天检修,所以本地市场主导价格较高。本周受公共卫生事件影响,方管厂家对后市看空居多,谨慎… 无锡方管供应商价格主流下行市场成交依旧不佳方管 无锡方管供应商价格主流下行,市场方面,早盘期螺低位震荡,市场信心仍处于低迷态势,方管厂家均下行调整。从方管供应商口中得知,降后市场成交依旧不佳,方管供应商心态维持 观望,下游买涨不买跌心态。当前临近元旦假期,节前备货操作寥寥无几,对后市看空态度居多,整体操作谨慎观望为主。考虑观望情绪明显,故…