








上海方管价格将保持暂稳运行趋势厂家整体成交一般上海镀锌方管价格暂稳趋势运行厂家选择观望价格走势本周上海方管价格小幅下调运行,周初从价格方面来看,热卷期货价格出现泛红,但现货市场价格持续下跌趋势。据方管厂家反映,周初新资源逐渐陆续到货,堪比前期缺货情况小幅好转。但市场成交面较为清淡,大户… 上海镀锌方管市场价格稳中偏弱厂家意愿逐渐减弱上海镀锌方管价格暂稳趋势运行厂家选择观望价格走势上海镀锌方管市场价格稳中偏弱。市场方面,今日市场稳中偏弱,幅度10-50元,盘中本钢、鞍钢出货意愿强烈。据了解近期新资源入市补充增多,前期紧俏鞍钢资源缺货情况缓解,甚至盘 中有挂低于6000的资源。马钢…


This week, Shanghai galvanized square tube prices temporarily stable trend operation, the beginning of the week from the price point of view, hot coil futures prices continued to rise, the market price remained stable. The downstream purchasing demand is weak, and the price of galvanized square tube is still at a high level. The downstream square tube manufacturers choose to wait and see the price trend, and the performance of transaction surface is general. According to the reflection of the square tube manufacturers, the current stock of the galvanized square tube Market in Shanghai is small, and the price remains high. The square tube manufacturers are unwilling to order too much, and their mentality is relatively general. 


In the middle of the week, the spot price of galvanized square tube in Shanghai remained stable, but the price was still at a high level. Transaction surface, the market transaction is more general, large average shipment volume in about 1100 tons. In terms of inventory, the galvanized square tube resources in Shanghai market are at a low level, and the square tube manufacturers are more willing to support the price due to the cost support, and the market transaction is relatively light. 


At the end of the week, the feedback from contact with the square tube manufacturers showed that the market transaction was normal, and the price rose again by 20-40 yuan / ton. Most of the square tube manufacturers said that the price remained high at the present stage, and the inventory resources were less. In addition, Shougang and Hegang issued the order price policy in December, the price of zinc plated square tube coil increased by 100 yuan / ton, and the price will remain high in the later period. Overall, it is expected that the price of galvanized square tube in Shanghai will continue to be strong next week. 


As for the square tube price, as of November 27, the average price of 1.0 mm galvanized square pipe in Shanghai was 5200 yuan (ton price, the same below), which was 110 yuan higher than the same period last week and 350 yuan higher than the same period last month. 

上海镀锌方管价格大幅度上涨运行厂家心态较为一般方管 本周上海镀锌方管价格大幅度上涨运行,周初从价格方面来看,热卷期货价格上行趋势,市场价格上涨30-50元/吨不等。但下游采购需求一般,冷轧在高位价格的基础上再次上涨,下游方管厂家表示先观望价格走势,成交面表现一般。据方管厂家反映,近期上海地区冷轧库存仍然处于低位,市场主流规格1.0资源缺货,方管厂家心… 重庆镀锌方管价格或趋强调整厂家成交放缓方管 今日重庆镀锌方管市场价格小幅上涨。本地市场:期货方面,高位震荡上行,4040收盘,涨幅2.38%;现货方面小幅上涨,成交放缓;受期货影响,方管厂家方面纷纷上调出厂价格,据了解,永航厂 上调40元。但是下游成交放缓,终端对高价位资源接受度偏低。市场方面交投一般,询价气氛尚可,短期内现货库存处在低位。预计明… 上海镀锌方管价格或持续稳中上行为主厂家心态坚挺方管 今日上海镀锌方管价格上涨运行为主,从市场方面来看,热卷期货价格震荡持红,刺激现货方管厂家跟涨的情绪,现市场主流1.0规格参考报价在5350-5450元/吨,市场成交面,市场成交尚可,临近年底有一定的备库操作,且利好因素有集中释放,影响方管厂家心态坚挺,但考虑到,随着资源陆续进入市场吗,价格也将回归理性。…
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