广州市场方管价格主稳运行,成交欠佳。今日开盘,7日唐山方坯:昌黎(HX)及唐山本地方管厂家普碳方坯持累涨20元后价报3620元/吨,含税出厂。7日唐山瑞丰带钢出 厂:635-610报4280涨80,360-355、295-290/325-320报4220涨50,含税。广州本地方管交投氛围欠佳,终端需求下 降,上游原料价格持续高涨,市场价格部分地区跟随原料上扬,然广州地区部分方管厂家在并未跟调,库存去库能力偏弱,方管厂家多跨进快出为主,维稳运行。因此预计 后市广州方管市场或将稳中趋强。
In Guangzhou market, the price of local management was stable and the transaction was not good. Open today, Tangshan billet: Changli (HX) and Tangshan Local square tube manufacturer Pu carbon billet increased by 20 yuan, and the price was 3620 yuan / ton, including tax. On July 7, Tangshan Ruifeng steel strip factory: 635-610, 4280, 80360-355, 295-290 / 325-320, 4220, up 50, including tax. In Guangzhou, the trading atmosphere of local square management is not good, the terminal demand is declining, the prices of upstream raw materials continue to rise, and the market prices in some regions follow the rise of raw materials. However, some of the local square management manufacturers in Guangzhou are not keeping up with the adjustment, and the capacity of inventory and stock removal is weak. The square management manufacturers mainly stride in and fast out, and maintain stable operation. Therefore, it is expected that the future market in Guangzhou will be stable and strong.
In terms of square tube price: in Guangzhou market, the price of Foshan Zhenhong square tube at 1.5 * 3.25 is 4680 yuan / ton, that of 4 * 3.75 Foshan Zhenhong square tube is 4650 yuan / ton, and that of 8 * 5 Foshan Zhenhong square tube is 4700 yuan / ton.
广州镀锌方管市场价格暂稳厂家报价同步跟调方管 广州镀锌方管市场价格暂稳。市场方面:开市以来,乐从市场贸易企业逐步复工,节后原料大涨,各主流管厂出厂价持续上涨,市场上虽需求还未得到释放,受高成本影响,方管厂家报价同步跟调。广东省工地陆续开工,目前方管厂家均以出货为主预计短期内乐从镀锌方管价格仍将维持上涨趋势。今日原料瑞丰带钢今日价格上涨2… 广州镀锌方管价格或弱势盘整运行厂家库存逐步增加方管 广州镀锌方管市场价格维稳运行。期货方面,今日期货偏弱震荡,收4267,跌1.39%,减仓18417手至1173970手。原料方面,唐山钢坯今日报稳,现普碳含税出厂价3860 元。市场成交方面,今日开价广州镀锌方管现货市场价格维稳运行,市场仅少量刚需拿货,交投氛围低迷,10家样本方管厂家合计出货约2700吨(部分已放假)。目… 广州镀锌方管价格小幅下跌厂家采购有所放缓方管 广州镀锌方管市场价格小幅下跌。期货方面,螺纹钢2105收4348,跌2.79%,减仓74015手至1247798手,跌破上图中上升趋势线。在上周五的文章中提示多重背离信号后, 今日期螺暴跌125点。原料方面,唐山钢坯今日涨10元,现普碳含税出厂价3810元。市场成交方面,今日开价广州现货市场价格小幅下跌,方管厂家反馈今日成 交…