广州镀锌方管市场价格大幅上涨。期货方面,期货夜盘高位震荡上扬,日盘开盘后继续延续强势方面,终报收于4040,涨94。原料方面,唐山钢坯今日涨20元,现普碳含税出厂价3660 元。市场成交方面,今日广州镀锌方管市场价格大幅上涨,方管厂家反馈,部分地区资源规格库存紧俏,今日整体成交一般10家样本方管厂家合计出货约12800吨。目前 来看,期货居高不下,原料价格依旧坚挺,方管厂家挺价意愿强,现货价格尚有支撑。后市还需观望市场需求。预计:若明日期货延续上涨,价格则将继续跟涨,反之期 货疲软,则需警惕价格回调。
The market price of galvanized square pipe in Guangzhou has risen sharply. In terms of futures, the high level of futures fluctuated and rose in the night trading, and continued to be strong after the opening of the day, and finally closed at 4040, up 94. In terms of raw materials, Tangshan billet rose 20 yuan today, and the ex factory price of carbon including tax is 3660 yuan. In terms of market transactions, the market price of galvanized square tubes in Guangzhou rose sharply today. According to the feedback from square tube manufacturers, some regions are in short supply of resources and specifications. The overall transaction volume today is generally 10 sample square tube manufacturers, with a total shipment of about 12800 tons. At present, futures remain high, raw material prices are still strong, Fangguan manufacturers have strong willingness to support prices, and spot prices are still supported. The future market still needs to wait and see the market demand. It is expected that if futures continue to rise tomorrow, the price will continue to rise, otherwise, the futures will be weak, so we need to be alert to price correction.
In terms of price: the market price of Ф 8-10mm high-speed wire is 4580 yuan, that of Ф 18-25 galvanized square pipe is 4400 yuan, and that of Ф 8-10 mm seismic square pipe is 4560 yuan; the market price of Ф 8-10mm high-speed wire rod produced by Guangzhou Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. is 4480 yuan, the price of grade III anti-seismic galvanized square pipe is 4370 yuan, and that of Ф 8-10mm seismic square pipe is 4450 yuan.
广州镀锌方管市场价格小幅下调厂家成交较弱方管 广州镀锌方管市场价格小幅下调。期货方面,螺纹期货2105合约盘面午后震荡运行,尾盘跳水,终报收于3774,跌21,最高3820最低3772,增仓2万余手,2101合约,午后震荡运行,尾盘下降明显,终收报于3866,跌48,最高3917最低3865。原料方面,唐山钢坯今日降10元,现普碳含税出厂价3580元。市场成交方 面,方管厂家反馈… 广州镀锌方管价格或窄幅调整运行厂家高位成交不畅方管 广州镀锌方管市场价格普遍下降。期货方面,早盘震荡偏弱,午后维持低位走势,收盘3910跌0.89%。原料方面,唐山钢坯今日降10元,现普碳含税出厂价3580元。市场成交方面,广 州现货市场今日开价普遍下降10-30元/吨。方管厂家反馈,高位成交不畅,部分方管厂家加大优惠促成交,10家样本方管厂家合计出货约14200吨。目… 广州镀锌方管价格或弱势盘整运行厂家合计出货约6500吨方管 广州镀锌方管市场价格稳中有调。价格方面:韶钢Ф8-10mm高线市场价格为4780元,Ф18-25镀锌方管4650元,Ф8-10mm镀锌方管4790元;广钢产Ф8-10mm高线市场价格为4720元,Ф18-25mm镀锌方管4630元,Ф8-10mm镀锌方管4740元。期货方面,今日期货震荡上扬,但在无明显利好且成交没有放量的情形下,本次上扬意义不大,午…