








成都镀锌方管价格将以持稳运行为主厂家观望后市成都镀锌方管价格或震荡趋强运行厂家成交一般成都市场镀锌方管价格暂稳,市场需求偏弱。原材料方面,今日唐山瑞丰带钢:285-360mm报4010元/吨降30元/吨,495-635mm报4020元/吨降10元/吨,685-880mm 报4020元/吨降10元/吨。原料带钢较上周同期价格上调6… 成都市场镀锌方管价格或窄幅震荡厂家心态较谨慎成都镀锌方管价格或震荡趋强运行厂家成交一般今日成都镀锌方管市场价格小幅上涨。本地市场:据了解,今日市场小幅上涨,成交一般;下游需求持续释放,观望情绪加重。另外方管厂家心态较谨慎,高价补库意愿较弱;方管厂家方面挺价意愿明显,今日成 实厂…

成都镀锌方管市场价格持稳。本地市场:据了解,今日市场价持稳运行,成交一般。下游需求释放缓慢,商家交投氛围一般。另外,方管厂家方面:威钢、德胜对矩形管组距有调整,Ф12-14规 格在Ф18-22的基础上加价80元/吨,Ф16、Ф25规格在Ф18-22的基础上加价50元/吨,Ф28-32规格在Ф18-22的基础上加价150 元/吨,HRB500E(四级抗震钢筋)在同规格HRB400E(三级抗震钢筋)基础上加价240元/吨。消息面:据中国工程机械工业协会统计数据显 示,2020年11月份,纳入统计的25家挖掘机制造企业共销售各类挖掘机32236台,同比增长66.9%;目前来看,行情处在传统淡季,但是现货价格 仍有原料支撑,重点关注后期外省资源到货情况。预计明日成都市场镀锌方管价格或震荡趋强运行。

The market price of galvanized square pipe in Chengdu is stable. Local market: it is understood that today's market price is stable and the transaction is average. The release of downstream demand is slow, and the business environment is general. In addition, the square pipe manufacturers: Weigang and Desheng have adjusted the spacing of rectangular pipes. The price of Ф 12-14 specifications is increased by 80 yuan / ton on the basis of Ф 18-22; the price of Ф 16 and Ф 25 specifications is increased by 50 yuan / ton on the basis of Ф 18-22; the price of hrb500e (grade IV seismic reinforcement) is increased by 240 yuan / ton based on the same specification of hrb400e (grade III seismic reinforcement). News: according to the statistics of China Construction Machinery Industry Association, in November 2020, 25 excavator manufacturing enterprises included in the statistics sold 32236 excavators of various types, with a year-on-year increase of 66.9%; at present, the market is in the traditional off-season, but the spot price is still supported by raw materials, focusing on the late arrival of resources from other provinces. It is expected that the price of galvanized square tube in Chengdu market will fluctuate stronger tomorrow.

方管价格方面,现达钢、威钢产Φ8-10mm高线市场价格为4190元/吨,持稳,成实产Φ8-10mm高线市场价格为4170元/吨,持稳;镀锌方管方面,达 钢、威钢产Φ18-22mm矩形管市场价格为4110元/吨,持稳;成实产Φ18-22mm矩形管市场价格为4100元/吨,持稳;龙钢产Φ8-10mm 高线市场价格为4170元/吨,持稳;龙钢产三级抗震Φ8-10mm方管市场价格为4240元,持稳。

In terms of square tube price, the current market price of Φ 8-10 mm high-speed wire produced by Da Gang and Weigang is 4190 yuan / T, stable, and the market price of actual production of Φ 8-10 mm high-speed high-speed wire is 4170 yuan / ton, stable; in terms of galvanized square pipe, the market price of Φ 18-22mm rectangular pipe is 4110 yuan / ton, stable; the market price of actual production of Φ 18-22mm rectangular pipe is 4100 yuan / ton, stable; the market price of Φ 8-10mm produced by Longgang is stable The market price of high-speed wire rod is 4170 yuan / ton, which is stable; the market price of Φ 8-10 mm square tube produced by Longgang is 4240 yuan, which is stable.

成都镀锌方管市场价格大幅上涨厂家有锁货操作方管 今日成都镀锌方管市场价格大幅上涨。本地市场:据了解,今日市场价大幅上涨,成交一般。受期货影响,午后期螺直接涨停;现货方面全国各地区纷纷大幅上涨,市场看涨情绪浓厚。下游需求释放一 般,刚需采购。另外方管厂家有锁货操作,但是方管厂家方面资源仍比较少。方管厂家方面:达钢、威钢等钢企纷纷上调240元。短… 成都市场镀锌方管价格或窄幅震荡厂家以稳为主方管 今日成都镀锌方管市场价格以稳为主。本地市场:据了解,今日市场以稳为主,成交一般;下游需求持续释放,观望情绪浓厚;方管厂家心态受期货影响,恐高情绪累积。再者方管厂家方面以稳为主,挺价意愿明 显。消息面:随着气温走低,上海、天津、内蒙古有疫情反复,或影响经济发展。故预计明日成都市场镀锌方管价格或… 成都镀锌方管价格或震荡趋强厂家成本仍有支撑方管 今日成都镀锌方管市场价格小幅上涨。本地市场:据了解,今日市场小幅上涨,成交一般;下游刚需采购,市场交投氛围一般;方管厂家方面:达钢上调30-50元,下游对高价位资源接受度降低,另外德 胜、威钢纷纷发布规格组距价差调整,其中四级钢在三级钢基础上加260元。短期内,市场资源规格短缺,成本仍有支撑,故预计…
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