Beijing Fangguan market prices rose slightly. Recently, the prices of steel billets and finished products have been gradually rising, which has played a certain role in boosting the mentality of the raw material market. Moreover, the futures of Taishang stock exchange have a strong pull up, and the square management manufacturers have a strong willingness to support prices. However, with the high prices gradually entering the market, the power of demand release is still insufficient, and the manufacturers of Fangguan are cautious in replenishing the warehouse, and the overall transaction performance is general. The price of short-term local market will be adjusted steadily.
Square tube price: as of the time of publication, 5 ᦇ Tangshan 3890 yuan / ton, 6.3 ා Tangshan 3890 yuan / ton, channel steel, 14 ා Tangshan square tube 3890 yuan / ton, 16 ා Tangshan galvanized square tube 3890 yuan / ton; I-beam, 20 ᦇ Tangshan 3890 yuan / ton, 25 ා Tangshan thin-walled square tube 3940 yuan / ton.
北京方管市场价格小幅上涨厂家补库谨慎方管 北京方管市场价格小幅上涨。近期钢坯以及成品材价格陆续拉涨,对原料市场心态起到一定提振作用,且大商所期货强势拉涨,方管厂家挺价意愿较强。然伴随着高价陆续进入市场,需求释放的动力仍显不足,方管厂家补库谨慎,整体成交情况表现一般。短期本地方管市场价格将稳中调整运行。方管价格方面:截至发稿时,角钢方… 北京镀锌方管价格弱势调整厂家并无囤货意愿方管 今日北京镀锌方管市场价格趋弱。今日开市,唐山市场普跌30-50元不等,本地商户跟随报价,低价资源成交较昨日稍有好转,近期天气转冷,方管厂家表示需求也会逐渐缩减,而近期市场也进入回 调阶段,方管厂家并无囤货意愿,明日主导方管厂家鞍山宝得出厂价格下调50元,本地以直发为主将会继续跟跌。预计明日北京镀锌方… 北京方管市场价格趋弱运行厂家有惜售心态方管 本周北京方管市场价格偏强运行。价格方面:截至12月25日,北京市场津西产200*200H型钢价格为4480元,较上周市场价格涨460元;唐山产25#矩形管价格为4410元,较上周市场价格涨20元;唐山产16#槽钢价格为4350元,较上周市场价格涨50元,唐山产5#方管价格为4410元,较上周市场价格涨120元。(以上唐山资源价格均为过磅…