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本周上海方管市场价格小幅下跌,随着唐山相关部门发布《8月份大气污染防治管控方案》文件,对八月份的环保限产工作作出 了初步指示,长流程钢厂按环保评级对高炉和烧结等工序进行限产,调坯轧材企业分AB轮轮流生产的方式停限产,综合来看此次文件传达的环保限产力度大概率将 不及七月,预计8月份产量环比上升。期货方面:螺纹期货夜盘开盘3839,午盘收报3821跌57跌幅1.47%,减仓13万多手。期螺夜盘低位震荡,今早开盘像玩蹦床似的,跳下去又弹上来,不过继续低位运行。

The price of square pipe market in Shanghai dropped slightly this week. With the publication of the document "Air Pollution Prevention and Control Plan in August" by the relevant departments in Tangshan, preliminary instructions were given to the environmental protection production restriction work in August. The long process steel mill limited the production of blast furnace and sintering processes according to the environmental protection rating, and the slab rolling mills were divided into AB rotation production. The way to stop production restriction, in a word, the rate of environmental protection productivity restriction transmitted by this document will be less than that in July, and production is expected to rise annually in August. Futures: Threaded futures opened 3839 at night, closing at 3821, down 57, or 1.47%, with a reduction of more than 130,000 hands. Snail night disc low shock, this morning opened like a trampoline, jump down and bounce up, but continue to run low. 周上海方管库存43.29万吨:较前期整体库存增加2.46万吨:线材4.59万吨,螺纹钢38.7万吨。目前来看:本周成交受阻,叠加盘面低迷,多数商家心态转弱,为降风险,出货成交为主。综上所述,预计下周上海方管市场价格或窄幅趋弱调整。

Zhou Shanghai square pipe inventory 432,900 tons: 246,600 tons more than the previous overall inventory: 45,900 tons of wire rod, 387,000 tons of thread steel. At present: this week's transaction is blocked, the overlapping market is depressed, and most businesses have a weakening mentality. In order to reduce risk, shipment is the main transaction. To sum up, it is expected that the Shanghai Square Management Market price will weaken or adjust in a narrow range next week.

方管价格方面,截至8月2日九江产Φ8-10mm高线市场价格为3970元,较上周价格价格下跌70元;永、沙钢产 Φ16-25mm三级螺纹钢市场价格为3860元,较上周价格下跌100元;中天产Φ16-25mm三级螺纹钢市场价格为3850元,较上周价格下跌 100元;中天产Φ8-10mm三级盘螺市场价格为4110元,较上周价格下跌100元。

As for square pipe price, the market price of 8-10mm high-speed line in Jiujiang as of August 2 was 3970 yuan, which was 70 yuan lower than last week's price; the market price of 16-25mm threaded steel in Yongshan and Shagang was 3860 yuan, which was 100 yuan lower than last week's price; the market price of 16-25mm threaded steel in Zhongtian was 3850 yuan, which was 100 yuan lower than last week's price. Zhongtianshan 8-10mm three-stage snail market price is 4110 yuan, down 100 yuan from last week's price.

辛苦整理!转载请注明来自 http://www.qqhanguan.com/show.asp?id=446


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