








广州镀锌方管价格或有回调风险厂家成交表现平平广州镀锌方管价格或将窄幅震荡厂家成交稍好广州镀锌方管市场价格延续昨日涨势。期货方面,夜盘继续高歌猛进稳稳站在4100点上方,日盘开盘更是跟随黑色大冲特冲,最高冲至4200点上方,但之后快速凌厉的跳水一度翻绿,午后收盘 4033跌0.2%。原料方面,… 广州镀锌方管市场或将稳中上涨厂家多随行就市广州镀锌方管价格或将窄幅震荡厂家成交稍好广州市场镀锌方管价格主稳运行,成交一般。今日开盘,3日唐山方坯:昌黎(HX)及唐山本地方管厂家普碳方坯稳报3590元/吨,含税出厂。3日唐山瑞丰带钢出 厂:635-610报4150涨50,360-355报4100涨30,含税。广…

广州镀锌方管现货市场小幅探涨。期货方面,螺纹期货2105合约盘面午后高位运行,终报收于3912,涨128,最高3924最低3815,增仓5.8万余手。原料方面,唐山钢坯今日涨 20元,现普碳含税出厂价3620元(周末涨20元)。市场成交方面,广州镀锌方管现货市场窄幅调整。方管厂家反馈,上周缓发的计划在今日部分得以落实,整体成交稍好,10家样本方管厂家合计出货约19800吨。目前来看,上周广州镀锌方管价格持续阴跌,今周初开盘,方管价格快速上拉,市场心态稍有好转。虽冬季建筑 钢材需求偏弱,方管厂家库存进入累积阶段,但受近期铁矿石、焦煤等原材料价格大涨影响,钢材成本明显上移,加上广州地区处于加速施工期,需求可观,镀锌方管也难下 跌。预计明日广州镀锌方管价格或将窄幅震荡。

The spot market of galvanized square pipe in Guangzhou is rising slightly. In terms of futures, the 2105 contract of screw futures was high in the afternoon, and finally closed at 3912, up 128, with a maximum of 3924 and a minimum of 3815, with an increase of 58000 hands. In terms of raw materials, Tangshan billet rose 20 yuan today, and the ex factory price of ordinary carbon including tax was 3620 yuan (increased by 20 yuan at the weekend). In terms of market transaction, Guangzhou galvanized square tube spot market was adjusted in a narrow range. According to the feedback from Fangguan manufacturers, the plan of delaying delivery last week was partially implemented today, and the overall transaction was slightly better. The total shipment of 10 sample Fangguan manufacturers was about 19800 tons. At present, Guangzhou galvanized square tube prices continued to decline last week. At the beginning of this week, the prices of square tubes increased rapidly, and the market mentality slightly improved. Although the demand for construction steel is weak in winter, and the inventory of square tube manufacturers has entered the accumulation stage, the steel cost has obviously moved up due to the recent price rise of iron ore, coking coal and other raw materials. In addition, Guangzhou is in the accelerated construction period, and the demand is considerable, so the galvanized square pipe is difficult to fall. It is expected that the price of galvanized square pipe in Guangzhou will fluctuate in a narrow range tomorrow.


In terms of square tube price: the market price of Ф 8-10mm high-speed wire is 4520 yuan, that of Ф 18-25 galvanized square tube is 4340 yuan, and that of Ф 8-10 mm square tube is 4500 yuan; the market price of Ф 8-10mm high-speed wire rod produced by Guangzhou Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. is 4410 yuan, 4300 yuan and 4380 yuan respectively.

广州镀锌方管市场价格小幅上涨厂家报价高低不一方管 广州镀锌方管市场价格小幅上涨。期货方面,螺纹钢2105收4397,涨1.17%,共持仓1257064手,增仓36149手。成交量腰斩,场内资金观望情绪浓厚,场外多空资金积极进 场,上方4400压力位仍在。原料方面,唐山钢坯今日涨10元,现普碳含税出厂价3800元。市场成交方面,今日开价广州现货市场小幅上涨,部分方管厂家暗 调套… 广州镀锌方管市场价格偏弱运行成交较差方管 广州镀锌方管市场价格偏弱运行。市场方面,多数调整在百元左右,其中柳钢跌至5650元/吨以下,其余在5700元/吨左右,高价位接受度差,低位区少数有成交。 据了解,近期期货继续走低,市场成交较差,交投氛围冷清。并且伴随着冷空气南下,需求端持续向弱,现货市场仍将以继续调整为主。不过马上元旦节,现货市场 交易… 广州镀锌方管价格或将窄幅震荡厂家成交稍好方管 广州镀锌方管现货市场小幅探涨。期货方面,螺纹期货2105合约盘面午后高位运行,终报收于3912,涨128,最高3924最低3815,增仓5.8万余手。原料方面,唐山钢坯今日涨 20元,现普碳含税出厂价3620元(周末涨20元)。市场成交方面,广州镀锌方管现货市场窄幅调整。方管厂家反馈,上周缓发的计划在今日部分得以落实,整…
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